

Posted by んだ!ブログ運営事務局 at



I've spent the last three decades working professionally and unpaid to enhance higher education, but this inconsistency still perplexes me. It is especially perplexing in the current climate, since new technology provide us with a variety of efficient methods for connecting with and engaging our former pupils. Companies who do not support their alumni and do not ask them to participate actively in determining the future of their institutions are wasting a priceless untapped resource and are very dumb in this time of resource scarcity.
Alumni and employees can communicate with one another through career assistance networks, which greatly improves the likelihood that former employee will receive job offers, internships, and the suitable mentors. A career support network serves as a wonderful resource for professional networking opportunities for your alumni group and aids alumni in creating crucial contacts to further advance their professions. corporate alumni program will be even more important in 2020 as a result of recent figures estimating that over 21 million Americans are unemployed. Corporate alumni program should be a worthwhile addition to your alumni programming in 2020, as graduates and students rely on their peers and alma mater, respectively, to navigate the challenging employment market.


corporate alumni program

Posted by avgeris123 at 00:26Comments(0)


how to build an alumni management software

Campaigns to engage alumni are only as effective as the facts they are based on.
It can be difficult to keep a database current, especially if you don't have a method in place for routinely updating records.
Platforms for alumni management software combine all of your data in one location. Data maintenance requires the least amount of work possible thanks to interfaces with CRM and social media platforms and one-click alternatives for changing information.
Alumni work for firms with various locations, industries, sizes, and organizational structures. Current students are always helped to become aware of the most recent knowledge and appropriate for the time by the updated domain knowledge and the most recent trends. The placement rates will rise as a result of this.
By connecting with alumni, alumni management software enables them to host job fairs, placement drives, and job offers for students and alumni alike. Colleges' workloads are lessened by using alumni management software because it is highly challenging to manually manage and link each alumni's data. You can lessen the workload so that the college administration can concentrate on other matters with the aid of alumni management software. Technology is more efficient and boosts production.


alumni management software  

Posted by avgeris123 at 23:51Comments(0)


best alumni network

How can an best alumni network be created and maintained? Step 1: One must first comprehend the current state of affairs within their organization in order to establish a solid foundation for an alumni network program.

The truth is that you are constantly vying for your alumni's attention on social media channels. In addition to the never-ending stream of postings, invitations to events, and cat pictures from pals that must compete with them, businesses are pouring thousands of dollars into targeted ads to snag your alumni's attention on the feed.
Through targeted and proactive outreach, frequently assisted by technology, the best alumni network enables firms to engage and nurture former employees. Typically, they foster chances for networking and professional growth, as well as inform alumni about the organization through digitally hosted among them are conferences, blogs, bulletins, and videos.

employee alumni network  

Posted by avgeris123 at 22:03Comments(0)


Here are the best practices to build the best alumni network

Here are the best practices to build the best alumni network.
Make sure you update the contact information that is in the database. Sure, this might mean a fundraising call or two during the year, but that's a small price to pay for the opportunities you get in return.
Another benefit of an alumni community platform is the sheer opportunity to connect. Alumni who graduated 10 or 20 years ago don't always have the opportunity to connect with each other.
Effective corporate alumni engagement can bring many benefits to both organizations and community members. To achieve this, you need to have the right strategies in place and leverage an alumni platform that provides a comprehensive experience for users.
best alumni network  

Posted by avgeris123 at 22:38Comments(0)


Ergonomie am Arbeitsplatz

Was hilft gegen Kopfschmerzen?
Wer sich lange auf den Monitor konzentriert, klagt mit der Zeit meist über Kopfschmerzen. Dies kann durch entsprechende Ergonomie am Arbeitsplatz verhindert werden, doch ist der Schmerz einmal da, können andere Übungen helfen (siehe aus Hausmittel gegen Kopfschmerzen

Bis zu 2’000 Stunden Dauerbelastung pro Jahr
Die tägliche Arbeit am Schreibtisch und insbesondere das viele Sitzen sind für unsere Gesundheit eine Belastung. Unter Erwerbstätigen sind Schmerzen im Bewegungsapparat weit verbreitet1. Zu den häufigsten körperlichen Beschwerden bei Erwerbstätigen gehören Rückenschmerzen – auch bei jenen im Büro. Kein Wunder, bei Büroarbeiten sind es die kleinen, immer gleichen Muskelanspannungen, die Tag für Tag den Körper belasten.

Ergonomie am Arbeitsplatz  

Posted by avgeris123 at 20:32Comments(0)


Arbeitsplatz der Zukunft

Arbeitsplatz der Zukunft

Hybride Strukturen reichen von der Beibehaltung fester zentraler Büros mit Hot-Desking, um der Tatsache Rechnung zu tragen, dass die Mitarbeiter häufiger von zu Hause aus arbeiten werden, bis hin zur völligen Abschaffung von Büros und der Nutzung von Co-Working-Spaces und betreuten Besprechungsräumen, um die Bedürfnisse einer hauptsächlich von zu Hause aus arbeitenden Belegschaft zu erfüllen.

Eine kürzlich von der Videomessaging-Plattform Loom in Auftrag gegebene Studie ergab, dass 90 % der befragten Mitarbeiter - einschließlich der Arbeitnehmer und Führungskräfte - mit der größeren Freiheit, die sie jetzt haben, um von zu Hause aus zu arbeiten, zufrieden sind, was darauf hindeutet, dass dies wahrscheinlich ein Trend sein wird, der bis 2022 anhalten wird.


Arbeitsplatz der Zukunft  

Posted by avgeris123 at 19:30Comments(0)


Die Arbeitnehmer gestalten den Arbeitsplatz der Zukunft

Die Arbeitnehmer gestalten den Arbeitsplatz der Zukunft
Warum gehen wir ins Büro?

Das ist keine rhetorische Frage. Gehen wir dorthin, um mit anderen Menschen zusammen zu sein und zusammenzuarbeiten? Gehen wir dorthin, weil es ein spezieller Ort ist, der es uns ermöglicht, uns auf einzigartige Weise auf unsere Arbeit zu konzentrieren? Gehen wir hin, weil wir glauben, dass es notwendig ist, "gesehen" zu werden? Gehen wir dorthin, weil wir es einfach tun müssen, weil wir es schon immer so gemacht haben?
Laut einem neuen Deloitte-Bericht, den der Telekommunikationskonzern Liberty Global in Auftrag gegeben hat, müssen Unternehmen, Arbeitnehmer, Regierungen und Bildungseinrichtungen zusammenarbeiten, um sich ein Bild von der Zukunft der Arbeit zu machen.

Deloitte führte ausführliche Interviews mit Unternehmensleitern, politischen Entscheidungsträgern und Forschern in ganz Europa, um den Interessenvertretern der Wirtschaft eine klare Richtung vorzugeben, während sie sich durch eine Zeit beispielloser Umwälzungen am Arbeitsplatz kämpfen müssen.

Arbeitsplatz der Zukunft  

Posted by avgeris123 at 22:54Comments(0)



The Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung reported on Sunday, May 3rd, 2014 in the science section: "Most people in the western world spend more than half of their time sitting or lying down." That this is not healthy hardly needs any in-depth discussion (as in the quoted article). Rather, it is important to ask what can be done about it. After all, it is the majority of all employees who work on the computer, i.e. sitting down. Nothing about that will change in the foreseeable future. But what can be changed is the way we work and sit. And ergonomics in general and workplace ergonomics in particular deal with this question of “how” to work and sit.

Climatic influences are part of the natural human environment. Climatic influences are present at every workplace and in all activities. The indoor climate or climatic conditions during outdoor activities have a decisive influence on well-being and performance at work. Improper reactions to climatic influences, such as unsuitable clothing in the heat, can endanger the safety and health of employees. Extreme heat or cold can be life threatening. Even normal working conditions can lead to unpleasant sensations, health problems and illnesses. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Act, it is the job of employers to assess the hazards in the workplace. Effects from the work environment, such as the climate, must be included.Influence variables are here

the physical quantities:
air temperature, air humidity, air speed, thermal radiation;
the activity-related variables:
energy expenditure, clothing, duration of exposure, acclimatization;
the individual parameters of
stamina, health, age and gender.

ergonomic workplace  

Posted by avgeris123 at 20:31Comments(0)



Eine sitzende Tätigkeit mit wenig Bewegung kann sich langfristig negativ auf die Leistungsfähigkeit der Mitarbeiter auswirken. Ein ergonomischer Arbeitsplatz fördert die Gesundheit und erhöht die Produktivität. In unserem Leitfaden erfahren Sie alles, was Sie über Ergonomie und ergonomische Arbeitsplatzgestaltung wissen müssen.

Was ist Ergonomie und warum ist sie wichtig?
Einfach ausgedrückt, ist Ergonomie die Disziplin der Optimierung des Arbeitsumfelds eines Benutzers, um die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Verletzungen zu minimieren.

Häufige Symptome für ergonomische Probleme
Schmerzt Ihr Nacken oder Rücken oft am Ende eines Arbeitstages? Haben Sie ein Kribbeln in den Handflächen und Fingern? Vielleicht haben Sie nach einigen Stunden Arbeit eine eingeschränkte Beweglichkeit festgestellt.

All dies sind Beispiele für Symptome schlechter Ergonomie, die sich im Laufe der Zeit zu schwerwiegenden Muskel- und Skeletterkrankungen wie dem Karpaltunnelsyndrom oder chronischen Rückenschmerzen entwickeln können, wenn sie nicht behandelt werden.


Posted by avgeris123 at 19:06Comments(0)


ergonomic workplace

Anyone who spends eight hours or more in the office knows what they have done at the end of the day - but unfortunately they often feel it physically. Swollen legs , burning eyes and back pain from the neck to the entire lumbar spine. These health problems can be caused by an incorrect sitting posture, too little exercise and, above all, a lack of ergonomics in the workplace . In order to prevent chronic illnesses, employers and employees alike have a duty to create ergonomic workplace in the office and, above all, to adhere to them.
Ergonomics Definition
Ergonomics is a combination of the two ancient Greek words "ergon" (work) and "nomos" (law). Ergonomics describes the science of human work, especially the mutual adaptation of people and their working conditions.

Ergonomic chair
The average seat width is between 40 and 48 cm, the seat height varies between 42 - 53 cm.
The seat height must be continuously adjustable, the same applies to the armrests (indispensable!)
The latest models, such as the Haider Bioswing , meet all of the above requirements 100 percent and not only that. Thanks to special high-performance technology (synchronous mechanism, 3D Sitzwerk®), an ergonomically and orthopedically perfect office chair has been developed.
Regardless of which office chair you choose, the following applies:
Everyone sits differently! The office chair must therefore be individually adapted to each employee.

ergonomic workplace  

Posted by avgeris123 at 00:28Comments(0)


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